Dell – Case Study

At Dell On 1 Dell Way in Texas, quality of service and products matter. To All Noise Control repeat orders are our reward. For the customer… it is about reliability of products and services equating to comfort.

Noise Control Challenge
While it’s goal is to produce powerful, quiet and reliable machines, the manufacturing facility in Round Rock Texas produces considerable noise. The absorption of this noise in the facility is typically needed to improve the overall working conditions for the workers. This reduces strai on the, improves productivity and ensures all around a healthier work environment. Retrotting an acoustic solution into a busy facility also is a factor.

As a listed Regulatory Test Laboratory on NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) – the Texas Dell facility holds high in regard quality and standards in their testing. Previously All Noise Control has supplied Dell with acoustic foams in the plant’s anechoic chambers. Recently they used our ANC-2002 Polyurethane Anechoic Wedges to quiet an all metal enclosed static room called and ESD Chamber All Noise Control foam panels were a simple solution for quiet a considerably noisy environment for a testing chamber. Once implemented Dell observed a considerabl reduction in noise. Anechoic and various testing chambers are a critical part for engineers in dealing with acoustics and reliably testing equipment. Various foam products can be used including our foam pyramids, foam wedges and other such products.

Noise Control Solution Results

The result simply was that the necessary all metal enclosed static room called an ESD Chamber benefited from the absorption properties of our Anechoic Wedge foams by significantly reducing noise and echo in the test chamber.