Noise Control Solutions for Schools

Noise Control Solutions for Schools


When referring to noise, most people refer to the loud music or the outdoor noisy environment. Even conversation of people may constitute noise to other people who do not take part in them. The worst effect of such noises takes place when they prevent certain people from receiving the messages that are transmitted to them. One clear example is the classroom, where noise control should be a priority.

The students’ ability to hear verbal information is often reduced because most classrooms have poor acoustics which allow background noise inside. Noise can either come from the outside of the school, such as traffic or the playground, or from inside the school, from the hallway, lunchroom or gym.

These problems could affect school children in what their reading or spelling skills are concerned. School facilities situated in areas affected by powerful noises such as those of aircrafts and traffic should be primarily focused on. In such situations effective instruction in the classroom can only be obtained through noise control.

There is numerious Noise Control Solutions for reducing background noise, school teacher can’t always amplify his/her voice, carpeting or drapes are not as efficient as expected, and it’s not always possible to reduce background noise even if intended. Under the circumstances, sound absorption seems to be the best solution.

The teacher –student communication is the basis for productivity in learning. But in situations when this communication is not functioning at its best because of reverberation level and background noise within the classroom, the productivity is affected.

When the noise is a problem within the classroom, the best solution is the use of noise control and sound absorption products. All these products are fire rated. Many noise control products are cost effective because they are made of recycled materials and thermally bonded. Moreover, noise control and sound absorption products are strong and durable, water resistant, easy to assemble, non-corrosive, and they come in a wide choice of colors. Such noise control products may even be graffiti resistant.

The bottom line is that if your school has noise problems, you should resort to noise control products which will provide the best Noise Control Solutions for your School, as well as significantly improve the quality of the education process.