Recording Studio Soundproofing Solutions
Recording Studios in a commercial or home recording studio, a broadcast studio, or a production room in a church, requires Recording Studios Soundproofing from the mechanical equipment, isolated room from outside noise and good space noise control.
Engineering standards for Production Soundproofing is Noise Criterion Curves (NC), Preferred Noise Criterion (PNC) that provide acceptable noise levels in different types of rooms depending on usage. Production Rooms should fall between NC 15- 20, or an equivalent dB(A) weighted level between 26 and 30 dB(A).
The original typical application for sound control is in audio or music recording studios where sound isolation is required between multiple adjoining rooms. Not only is the sound quality important inside the rooms, but sound blocking from adjoining rooms and mechanical noises is critical.
All Noise Control can help choose the right materials for the audio recording rooms, vocal booths, editing rooms and other such rooms that are found in broadcasting, recording studio and other media rooms. Our noise control products can be installed during construction of a new studio or during remodeling or for retrofitting an existing studio with products that can “float” on walls and/or ceiling to help make the ideal sound control solution attainable. Through a full range of sound absorption products we can solve all your sound control needs.
Noise Reverberation
For reverberation, we have acoustical foams & bass traps. To scatter sound waves & eliminate hot spots we have acoustical diffusion panels and systems.
Exterior noise
To eliminate exterior noise, we have Vinyl Sound Barrier, Wall Panels The acoustical solution will be a balance of sound isolation products, sound blocking and sound absorption, all resulting in a harmonious sound control solution.
Soundproofing Home Theater
Sound Absorption, Acoustic Materials & Solutions – All Noise Control are manufacturers of various acoustical home theater products used for sound control & sound proofing. We specializes in noise control products for use in Home Theaters, Audio rooms, OEM projects, Office Conference and Office Media Rooms. The products found in this Home Theater Acoustics area also fit several other applications where Noise Control is needed.
There are multiple acoustic issues to deal with when creating a home theater. One is noise reduction. Sound proofing your home theater so that adjoing rooms to interfere with the internal acoustic qualities, as well as containing the sound within the home theater room to minimize noise pollution into adjoing rooms and even your neighbor’s ear range.
This brings us to the second most common issue, which is improving the sound quality. That means enjoying your media at higher volumes without loosing sound quality.
Vinyl Sound Barriers are an ideal material for noise reduction and improving overall acoustic qualities.
Selecting the right home theater acoustical products have this noise reduction capability while improving sound quality is easy with the right acoustic specialists from All Noise Control assisting you

Case Study:
Suggested Materials
- Acoustic Curtains
- Accordion Doors
- Acoustic Room Kits
- Acoustic Panels
- Bass Trap Kit
- Ceiling Panels
- Wall Panels
- Foam
- Corner Bass Traps
Acoustical Room Packages
Acoustical Wall Panels
Bass Trap
Ceiling Panels
Wall Panels ANC-3500:
Acoustic Foam